Maximizing Phone Battery Life


Maximizing Phone Battery Life: Expert Tips on Advanced Settings from Mobile Repair Shop

Maximizing Phone Battery Life, Mobile Repair Shop

Last Updated on 2 years by admin

One of the biggest complaints that smartphone users have is that their battery life needs to be longer. With so many apps and features on our phones, it’s easy to drain the battery quickly. While most phones now come with a battery-saving mode, there are other advanced settings that you can use to extend your phone’s battery life even further. In this article, we’ll explore some of these settings, as explained by the experts at a reputable mobile repair shop such as CellPros Fresno, and how these settings can help you get more out of your phone’s battery.

Expert Tips on Advanced Settings from Mobile Repair Shop

Disable Push Notifications

Push notifications are handy for keeping up with updates from your favorite apps. However, they can also drain your battery quickly, especially if you have a lot of apps sending notifications. According to the experts at the mobile and electronics repair Fresno shop, you can significantly extend your phone’s battery life by disabling push notifications for apps that you don’t need instant updates. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the reports for each app.

Turn Off Vibrations

Vibrations help alert you to incoming calls or messages when your phone is silent. However, they also use a lot of power. If you’re trying to conserve battery life, consider turning off vibrations altogether or reducing the strength of the pulse. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the vibration settings.

Reduce Screen Timeout

The longer your phone’s screen stays on, the more power it uses. As smartphones and computer repair and services professionals suggested, you can significantly extend your phone’s battery life by reducing the screen timeout. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the screen timeout to a shorter period.

Use Airplane Mode

Airplane mode is a setting that turns off all of your phone’s wireless connections, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular data. This setting helps conserve battery life when you don’t need to be connected to the internet or receive calls and messages. If you’re in an area with poor reception, consider using airplane mode to conserve battery life. You can turn on airplane mode by going into your phone’s settings.

Disable Background App Refresh

While this feature helps keep your apps up to date, it can drain your battery quickly. By disabling background app refresh for apps, you don’t use frequently, you can significantly extend your phone’s battery life, as explained by the smartphone and tablet repair technician. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the background app refresh settings.

Turn Off Location Services

Location services are helpful for apps that need to know your location, such as maps or weather apps. However, they can also drain your battery quickly. If you’re not using location services frequently, consider turning them off to conserve battery life. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the location services settings.

Disable Automatic Updates

Automatic app updates are convenient, but they can also use power. By disabling automatic app updates, you can conserve battery life and update your apps manually when you can access a power source. You can do this by entering your phone’s settings and adjusting the app update settings.

Battery life is a significant concern for smartphone users. While most phones come with battery-saving modes, there are other advanced settings that you can use to extend your phone’s battery life even further. So, the next time you’re trying to conserve battery life, explore these advanced settings at a top-notch cell phone repair store in Fresno to get more out of your phone’s battery.


How often should I charge my phone?

This question has no definitive answer, as it depends on your phone use. However, most experts recommend charging your phone when the battery drops to around 20-30%.

Should I let my phone battery drain completely before charging it?

No, this is a common misconception. Modern smartphones have lithium-ion batteries that do not need to be fully discharged before charging. It’s better to charge your phone before the battery level drops too low.

Can using battery-saving apps help conserve battery life?

Many battery-saving apps claim to help extend your phone’s battery life. However, the effectiveness of these apps can vary, and some may even drain your battery further. It’s essential to research and choose a reputable battery-saving app if you decide to use one.

How can I tell which apps are using the most battery power?

Most smartphones have a built-in feature that allows you to view which apps use the most battery power. You can usually find this feature in the battery settings of your phone. You can reduce their power consumption by identifying which apps use the most energy.

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