Common Consequences of Divorce


The Common Consequences of Divorce or Separation on Children


Last Updated on 2 years by admin

Divorce and separation can be difficult experiences for children, regardless of their age. There are a number of common consequences that can affect them in a negative way. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common ones. It is important to remember that every child is different, so not all of these consequences will apply to every child. 

If you are going through a divorce or separation and are concerned about how it will impact your children, please seek professional help. Apart from a therapist, it’s always best to hire a lawyer who would really empathise with you. Keep this in mind as you go searching for a family lawyer near me online.

1. Sadness and Loneliness

One of the most common consequences of divorce or separation on children is feelings of sadness and loneliness. This is because they no longer have both parents in their lives. They may also feel like they are to blame for the divorce or separation.

2. Change in Sleeping and Eating Habits

Divorce and separation can also lead to changes in sleeping patterns and eating habits in children. They may have trouble sleeping or may not want to eat as much as they used to. These changes can be a result of stress or anxiety.

3. Behavioural Problems

Another common consequence of divorce or separation on children is behavioural problems. This is because they may act out in order to get attention from their parents. They may also become withdrawn and stop participating in activities that they used to enjoy.

4.  Poor School Performance

Divorce or separation can also lead to poor school performance in children. This is because they may be distracted by what is going on at home. They may also have trouble concentrating and paying attention in class.

5. Health Problems

Children of divorce or separation may also experience health problems. This is because they may be under a lot of stress. They may also engage in risky behaviours, such as using drugs or alcohol.

6. Relationship Problems

Another common consequence of divorce or separation on children is relationship problems. This is because they may have trouble trusting people. In addition, it’s possible that they’ll have difficulty trying to form and maintain relationships.

7. Feelings of Anger and Resentment

Children of divorce or separation may also feel a lot of anger and resentment. This is because they may feel like they have been betrayed by one or both of their parents. They may also be angry about the changes that the divorce or separation has brought to their lives.


Divorce and separation can be difficult experiences not just for the parents but also for their children. Both of these can result in a wide range of unwelcome consequences. As mentioned earlier, keep in mind that every child is different, so divorce and separation can affect them in various ways. One of the most important things to do as parents is to seek guidance from a reputable family lawyer.

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