Voltex Reviews


Voltex Reviews: Is It A Orignal Electricity Saver?

Last Updated on 2 years by admin

The Voltex Power Saver is an energy-saving device that purports to reduce a person’s electricity bills by up to 90%. It combines groundbreaking electricity stabilizing technology with power factor correction to stabilize your home’s electric flow and increase efficiency.

It also aims to reduce dirty electricity that travels along electrical wires, eliminate exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR) wireless devices generate, and uses advanced capacitors to eliminate harmful spikes in electricity.


The Voltex power saver is a plug-in device that claims to reduce your energy bills by at least half. However, a quick look at the Voltex power saver reviews will show that this is incredibly dubious.

The product is a hoax that doesn’t lower your electricity usage. Electricity suppliers base their costs on the amount of energy they use, not what the device does.

It looks like a little plastic box that can plug into an outlet and is supposed to decrease your electricity usage.

Unlike some other similar-looking devices that claim to do the same thing, Voltex uses advanced capacitors to eliminate harmful spikes in electricity that can damage your appliances and electronics.

This is an excellent way to reduce your electricity costs, but it’s important to remember that not all energy-saving devices are created equal. The Voltex power saver is a great way to start, but you should be aware of the risks before you make a purchase.


The Voltex power saver promises to shave up to 90 percent off your electricity bill. The product combines groundbreaking electricity stabilizing technology (EST) with power factor correction to stabilize your home’s electric flow and increase efficiency.

In this paragraph,we discuss voltex power saver, voltex scam.The device also claims to reduce dirty electricity traveling along electrical wires and eliminate exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation that wireless devices generate. It also uses advanced capacitors to eliminate harmful spikes in electricity that can damage appliances and electronics.

Sadly, this claim is a bit of a stretch. The Voltex does a little bit of power factor correction but that is something that electricity suppliers do at a domestic level.

The Energy Market Authority (EMA) in Singapore has flagged the Voltex website for false claims about electricity prices. In a report, the authority said that an electricity price chart on the Voltex website does not match Singapore’s electricity prices.


With rising energy costs, we’ve all been trying to find the best ways to cut our bills. The ‘Voltex Power Saver’ is one such device that claims to cut your bill by at least half.

However, is it worth the money? Voltex Reviews reveals that the device is an over-hyped scam that won’t do much more than provide you with a gimmick.

What you get are a small, plastic box with a plug and an LED light. It claims to do a lot of things, such as stabilizing your home’s electric flow and reducing dirty electricity that travels through electrical wires.

It also claims that it can reduce your electric bill by 90%. It even helps you sleep better thanks to a cool little feature that reduces the amount of artificial electromagnetic radiation (EMF/EMR) you receive from wireless devices.


The Voltex power saver is a dangerous device that might lead to a fire outbreak if care is not taken. It is a capacitor that could be connected across an AC line and is not rated for connection.

The company that sells the Voltex energy saver has changed its name three times to deceive buyers into thinking it is a legitimate electrical supplies company.

This is a common tactic used by scam artists who want to take advantage of people’s fears about electricity cuts.

They also make claims about halving your electricity bill and protecting you from EMF radiation. While these claims might seem appealing to some, there is no scientific evidence that this type of energy-saving device is safe or effective.

Voltex Reviews

A plug-in device that is sold online and claims to save you money on your energy bills. It sounds great, but there are a lot of questions about this product and whether it works or not.

What is Voltex?

In this paragraph,we discuss voltex power saver, voltex scam.The Voltex power saver is a small plug-in device that is said to stabilize your home’s electrical current. It supposedly combines groundbreaking electricity stabilizing technology (EST) with power factor correction to stabilize your home’s electric flow and increase efficiency.

It also reduces dirty electricity traveling along your wires and eliminates harmful spikes that could damage your appliances and electronics.

How Does it Work?

The website says that the Voltex power saver works by using advanced capacitors to stop any harmful spikes in your home’s electricity. However, it’s not clear if these capacitors are rated for connection across the AC line or if there would be a fire outbreak in the event of a lightning strike.

What’s the Price?

The price of the Voltex power saver varies depending on your location and how many you need to buy. It’s normally PS100, but it can be as much as PS325 if you have a large house.

Do Voltex Reviews Represent the Reality?

There are a lot of different Voltex reviews online. Mostly they are positive, but there are a few negative ones as well.

The main problem with Voltex is that it does not save you any money or energy and is a total scam. You can get a much better product at a better price from another company than this one!

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